7 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Hello and welcome back guys to our article that is 5 Health Benefits Of Green Tea. In the previous article, we have discussed how to control sugar levels. If you have not visited please check once.

7 Health Benefits Of Green Tea:

We all know that nothing can soothe our body, mind, and soul as well as a hot cup of green tea. A long time ago, green tea production was linked with Asians until recently when its production started globally. Green tea uses has numerous health benefits. It is believed that drinking green tea purifies, heals, and strengthens our body from the inside.


Let's discuss the benefits of Green Tea:


1.) May lower the risk of some cancers:

According to National Cancer Institute, Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells. It’s one of the world’s major causes of death. An antioxidant can help to reduce the growth of cells. Green tea has this antioxidant property that's why we can say that the consumption of Green Tea helps in preventing the risk of several types of cancer like Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Colorectal cancer.

2.) Green tea heart benefits:

Consumption of green tea also makes our hearts healthier and fit. According to studies, we found those who drink 4-5 times had a lower risk of dying (specifically from cardiovascular disease) in comparing to those who drank less than one cup of tea throughout the whole day.

3.) Green tea and lower cholesterol:

Green tea helps to control the cholesterol of our body. A report published studies in 2011, that found having green tea, either as a beverage or in form of a capsule can control or reduce cholesterol.

4.) Helps in Weight Loss:

We all know that having green tea in the morning on daily basis, will reduce your belly fat and also make your skin glow. If you think that it will work overnight so, friends this is not like this. But also remember green tea with sugar is not so beneficial if take it without sugar or with honey it will show effect very fast. Green tea also increases metabolic rate.

5.) Relaxing Ritual:

Drinking tea helps to slow down and relax, Reardon says. A natural chemical named theanine found in green tea helps to relax our body. 

How we should take green tea more effectively?

  • Don't add green tea to boiling water. It's bad for catechins, those healthful chemicals, in the tea. Better: 160-170 degree water.
  • Add lemon juice.  Which contains Vitamin C makes the catechins easier to digest. 
  • Nutrient levels in green tea can vary with their quality. Expensive teas usually have more, and canned green-tea drinks generally have less in comparison to fresh-made green tea.

6.) Increasing Immunity Rate


In this covid 19 pandemic, Green tea has become a very healthy drink. We already know that it increases metabolic rate but it also helps in increasing the immunity rate of our body. If we take Tulsi, black paper, cinnamon, cloves, and honey it works as Kadha Which proved to be great medicine for covid 19.

7.) Anti-aging properties:

The antioxidants found in green tea help to slow down the aging process and make your skin look healthy and glowy. It also affects hair and makes it healthy and shiny.

Hey Guys, I hope you like this 7 Health Benefits Of Green Tea article. For any query please contact us and don't forget to share your views via comment.

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